We have our difficult days with Ryan but a lot of the time Ryan cracks me up. For Christmas this year Ryan is desperate for a "pedal drum set" and I am desperate for him not to get one. He has been drawn to music since he was around one years old. He got his first play guitar for his second birthday. It was a wiggles guitar, his favorite show. He would play it none stop for hours every day. I thought he would get tired of it and move on to a different toy but he never did.
He got other guitars throughout the years and he still puts on shows in our living room. He will even watch music performances on TV and copy the performers moves. I remember one time I taped the finale of American Idol for him and the band Kiss was playing. He got so upset when they broke a guitar at the end of their song that he cried for awhile.
Ryan will still play with guitars but now he is interested in microphones, headsets, a keyboard, and lastly a drum set. In our house where Excedrin is considered a daily vitamin, I am not too thrilled of the drum set idea. But it is all Ryan can talk about so Santa has one for him under a sheet in our garage. The other day a flier came in for Toys R Us with drum sets in there. Ryan carried it around with him the entire day, petting the pictures of the drums and showing all his friends. Then he even took it to bed with him. He told me he is saving his allowance money for a drum set just in case Santa does not bring it to him.
Ryan's love for all things musical has always amused me. Here is a boy who will cover his ears and cry at the sound of a lawn mower but he will sing on the top of his lungs and play a mean pretend show. One of his therapists laughed one day and told me it would be something if Ryan grow up to be some sort of music star. I know that whatever Ryan chooses to do with his life, I will be there cheering the loudest for him.
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